domingo, 26 de julio de 2020

free topic

Hi! today I will tell you about an animals that I like so much.
But first, I would like to share you something,  when I was a child, I really enjoyed see the birds and I wished with all my energies become one of them, flying in flocks near by the clouds, feeling the breeze … I won´t lie you, I still think that haha.

Well, I think that all of birds are really cool. But, the ones that catch my attention in the last time are two: Swallows and Blackbirds. At the moment, are my favorite.

On the  one hand, I like swallows, because their colors are really pretty and they fly very fast. They also are small, migratory and community birds. they usually fly long, looking for the heat, that's why they say they welcome spring
On the other hand, I love blackbirs, for their colors too, and singing. They are urban birds, surely you have seen them. The last year, I really enjoyed walking when it was spring, because I could see a lot of blackbirds everywhere, those moments made me very happy.

Now, I can only see the birds from my window, I really miss walking and listening to birdsong or seeing flocks cross the sky): but son it could.

That´s all, I hope that u will fine!!

domingo, 12 de julio de 2020

Postgraduate studies

Hi! I will to tell you about my future plans in relation with postgraduate studies. This topic its double difficult to me haha. As I said in the last post, thinking about my academic future is something that I try to avoid as I can, I prefeer focus at the present u.u

On the one hand, once I finished my career (anthropology) I would like to do and study many things that aren't atacched with academia necessarily.

On the other hand, I have been thinking about the sociolinguistic area, in relation with that, I would like to travel to Brazil, because I think that´s a place with a culture that calls me a lot (and I like so much their languaje, I really want to learn portuguese). Then, I would like to live there, for a considerable time, and to continue anthropological studies in relation with linguistic area and do investigation, etnography there.

Even, I´ve thought in study art, like history of art or visual arts. Those were that I want to study before decided me for anthropology (that was a good decision). But, study art is still on my mind. I hope that in the future I should realice it , because really passionate me. However, I also can be self-educated and avoid academy haha and realice my dreams for myself if I propose to do it.

domingo, 5 de julio de 2020

My future job

Hi! To be honest, I try not to think too much about the future. So thinking about future job is a bit tricky, but I have some ideas.

I study antropology, I´m in my second year and soon I have to choose a mention, the physical and social anthropology call me, but the last one wins haha I am very interested in social issues and learning about the diversity of cultures.

The only thing that is clear to me, is that I want to work outdoor xD, I want to travel to many places, inside and outside of Chile, to get to know, share, understand and help (in the way I can do) as many communities as posible.

I think I would very much like to work in the visibility of indigenous communities, supporting them so that the rest respect their identity, life and culture. To investigate, i'm very interested in some topics, such as education, the relationship with death, childhood and others.

As an anthropologist, I can work in many areas that catch my attention and scatter it at the same time. But I don't worry so much, I still have a long way to go as a student.

In respect with salary, until now I haven't seriously thought about it; as a social scientist the salary isn't very good, but I would be fine if it were enough to live well, with stability.

sábado, 27 de junio de 2020

Ping Pong

Hi!  I'm going to talk about an anime that I watched a while ago and that I liked sooo much. This is "Ping pong: the animation", an adaptation directed by Masaaki Yuasa and based on Taiyo Matsumoto's manga.

Are just 11 chapters, made with an unconventional art style, fascinating characters and an OST which accompany perfectly every scene.

It’s about “Smile” and “Peko”, a best friends who have diferents personalities and are really good  ping pong players since were child. Already in adolescence, they're living experiences that mark them... what will happen to each one? Im gonna leave it up there, but I want to add something fundamental, throughout the story, many interesting characters appear, developing in due time and satisfactorily, making them all interconnect.

As I mentioned, one of the things that I really liked, is the music that in each chapter, invites you to merge with each scene, transmitting the experience of each character. Personally, I highlight the ED "Bokura ni tsuite" without a doubt is in my top 5 endings :).

This anime is very “human”, talks and think over constantly about topics like childhood, memories, fears, dreams, motivations, emotions and more. I think that the most relevant and enveloping aspect of this anime is that, instead of developing a dense plot or something like that, it focuses on the inner world, the reflection and constant development of all the characters; the dialogues between them and the direction their lives take according to their decisions. Those elements added with the animation and the "grayscales" there are, make it really good.

While I was writting this, I noticed me that I really loved this anime haha. I invite to you to watched it, I hope you’ll like it<3

sábado, 20 de junio de 2020

free topic

Hi! Today I’ll recommend to you the Remedios Varo’s art

She was an artist, a surrealist writer and painter. Cat lover, with a reflexive personality and interesting story of life.

Her artistic work is full of mistery and details that seem hide many secrets. Each element that compose her paints, are mixed and give that woven misterious as a result.

For me, her art is a mixture between mental and spiritual sides, at the same time. Also, each form, color and face expresión that are inside the paint, have a sort of narrative behind that invite you to explore  it. Other interesting aspect of Remedios’art is that she searched transfigurate the woman image, giving her a principal role and alternatives representations.

In all the paintings, you can get lost and find yourself. It’s like opening a door that connects to a part of the soul, where words cannot do justice to describe well the senses. Everything there is mixture: like a string that connect the mystic, mental, oniric and terrenal roads

If you didn't know about the art of Remedios, I invite you to look at. I hope you like it and transport you to an interesting and new places. 

                                                                 "Dragonfly Woman"

sábado, 13 de junio de 2020

The best holiday that I have had

Hi! I Will  tell you about the best holiday that I have had.

It was in summer of 2018. We went -for a week- with my scout group to Rupumeica, ubicated in fourteenth region. We camping in a beatiful natural place.

The days was like: In the morning, we waked up and inmediatly we would went to river to bath, I still remember, we have a lot of fun in that cold water. Later, we ate and did some activities.

During afternoon, we used to do long walks to anywhere. Sometimes, we went to Ranco lake; other times, visit diferent places, one of these called it Maqueo, -good place to visit- and when If we were more tired than other days, we simply spent our time in the river or doing something relax.

When the night fell, we used to do bonfires, and arround it, we danced, talked or simply were playing cards. Also, we used to use flashlights to play or explore. But, my favorite activity was laying back on grass and see the sky,  it was very clean so, you could see many things like satellites, stars and some shooting stars.

One day, we wanted to know a place in particular. So, we prepared some snacks and went to adventure. Was a long trek. We were like 3 hours walking, losing us and crossing diferent places. When arrived -completly muddy xD-, we saw a pretty waterfall. With friends, climbed until the top and the landscape we saw and the sounds that we heard there, was simply wonderful.

In those days, I became inmortal to insects bites, -we went in horseflies season-.  I learned so much, cooked many delicious food, I had long talks  with friends in the tent and more.  

I really loved that place and moments, I would like to come back there someday.
Some friends from there <3

sábado, 6 de junio de 2020

A country I would like to visit

Hi everyone!
Today, im going to talk about the countries where I would like to visit: Iceland and Japan
I´d like to begin with Iceland. Since a lot of time I want to visit it or -in the best case- live there. My principal reason is for the wonderful nature landscapes what is there and the chance to see polar lights.  Also, is a quiet country and its people have a good life. The only problem is the ultra-cold weather, bc I´m so sentitive to cold  D:

The other is Japan. I think that´s a country super interesting, with a history, landscapes, technology, art and many topics magnetics to me and that I need to meet in person.
One of my reasons to travel to Japan is because I love read manga and watch anime. So, would be amazing visit it and recognize the most places or references that -due to fiction- has given me a lot of great moments and made me fell in love. Also, would be nice meet Akihabara and to make me  a completly otaku haha.
I´d love to walking throug Harajuku, the famous place of street fashion and art of Shibuya.
Finally, it would be beatiful to travel in spring for the tradition of ¨hanami¨, when sakura trees blossom and the people contemplate it. I imagine me, puting a blanket on the grass and enjoying the day, while I watching how the whole place is coloring by pink tones flowers.

The biggest difficult to travel to both countries is the language. Would be very cool meet people from there so ... if I want to have a good experience, I need to learn well english or icelandic / japanes  to not stray me in the country and could socialize with others.