sábado, 27 de junio de 2020

Ping Pong

Hi!  I'm going to talk about an anime that I watched a while ago and that I liked sooo much. This is "Ping pong: the animation", an adaptation directed by Masaaki Yuasa and based on Taiyo Matsumoto's manga.

Are just 11 chapters, made with an unconventional art style, fascinating characters and an OST which accompany perfectly every scene.

It’s about “Smile” and “Peko”, a best friends who have diferents personalities and are really good  ping pong players since were child. Already in adolescence, they're living experiences that mark them... what will happen to each one? Im gonna leave it up there, but I want to add something fundamental, throughout the story, many interesting characters appear, developing in due time and satisfactorily, making them all interconnect.

As I mentioned, one of the things that I really liked, is the music that in each chapter, invites you to merge with each scene, transmitting the experience of each character. Personally, I highlight the ED "Bokura ni tsuite" without a doubt is in my top 5 endings :).

This anime is very “human”, talks and think over constantly about topics like childhood, memories, fears, dreams, motivations, emotions and more. I think that the most relevant and enveloping aspect of this anime is that, instead of developing a dense plot or something like that, it focuses on the inner world, the reflection and constant development of all the characters; the dialogues between them and the direction their lives take according to their decisions. Those elements added with the animation and the "grayscales" there are, make it really good.

While I was writting this, I noticed me that I really loved this anime haha. I invite to you to watched it, I hope you’ll like it<3

1 comentario:

  1. Looks like an interesting anime, I will add it to my list jeje. And from the photo it seems to have a good animation.
