domingo, 12 de julio de 2020

Postgraduate studies

Hi! I will to tell you about my future plans in relation with postgraduate studies. This topic its double difficult to me haha. As I said in the last post, thinking about my academic future is something that I try to avoid as I can, I prefeer focus at the present u.u

On the one hand, once I finished my career (anthropology) I would like to do and study many things that aren't atacched with academia necessarily.

On the other hand, I have been thinking about the sociolinguistic area, in relation with that, I would like to travel to Brazil, because I think that´s a place with a culture that calls me a lot (and I like so much their languaje, I really want to learn portuguese). Then, I would like to live there, for a considerable time, and to continue anthropological studies in relation with linguistic area and do investigation, etnography there.

Even, I´ve thought in study art, like history of art or visual arts. Those were that I want to study before decided me for anthropology (that was a good decision). But, study art is still on my mind. I hope that in the future I should realice it , because really passionate me. However, I also can be self-educated and avoid academy haha and realice my dreams for myself if I propose to do it.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello! I agree that thinking about master's and postgraduate degrees is a very difficult subject. I wish you good luck with the study of art in anthropology sounds a very interesting subject.
