domingo, 5 de julio de 2020

My future job

Hi! To be honest, I try not to think too much about the future. So thinking about future job is a bit tricky, but I have some ideas.

I study antropology, I´m in my second year and soon I have to choose a mention, the physical and social anthropology call me, but the last one wins haha I am very interested in social issues and learning about the diversity of cultures.

The only thing that is clear to me, is that I want to work outdoor xD, I want to travel to many places, inside and outside of Chile, to get to know, share, understand and help (in the way I can do) as many communities as posible.

I think I would very much like to work in the visibility of indigenous communities, supporting them so that the rest respect their identity, life and culture. To investigate, i'm very interested in some topics, such as education, the relationship with death, childhood and others.

As an anthropologist, I can work in many areas that catch my attention and scatter it at the same time. But I don't worry so much, I still have a long way to go as a student.

In respect with salary, until now I haven't seriously thought about it; as a social scientist the salary isn't very good, but I would be fine if it were enough to live well, with stability.

1 comentario:

  1. It would be wonderful i you can to carry out your plan to make indigenous communities visible, and your others plans sound interesting too !
