sábado, 20 de junio de 2020

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Hi! Today I’ll recommend to you the Remedios Varo’s art

She was an artist, a surrealist writer and painter. Cat lover, with a reflexive personality and interesting story of life.

Her artistic work is full of mistery and details that seem hide many secrets. Each element that compose her paints, are mixed and give that woven misterious as a result.

For me, her art is a mixture between mental and spiritual sides, at the same time. Also, each form, color and face expresión that are inside the paint, have a sort of narrative behind that invite you to explore  it. Other interesting aspect of Remedios’art is that she searched transfigurate the woman image, giving her a principal role and alternatives representations.

In all the paintings, you can get lost and find yourself. It’s like opening a door that connects to a part of the soul, where words cannot do justice to describe well the senses. Everything there is mixture: like a string that connect the mystic, mental, oniric and terrenal roads

If you didn't know about the art of Remedios, I invite you to look at. I hope you like it and transport you to an interesting and new places. 

                                                                 "Dragonfly Woman"

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello! If I am honest, it is very difficult for me to connect with visual art, but everything that makes you feel and experience sounds very beautiful. I will definitely review the artistic work of Remedios Varo. Thank you for recommending her!

  2. I love the art of Remedios Varo! Her works are like worlds of pure fantasy and surrealism. And yeah, like you said, her works have an espiritual essence

  3. Wow, I didn't know her, but i really liked her art, thank you for you recomendation <3
