sábado, 6 de junio de 2020

A country I would like to visit

Hi everyone!
Today, im going to talk about the countries where I would like to visit: Iceland and Japan
I´d like to begin with Iceland. Since a lot of time I want to visit it or -in the best case- live there. My principal reason is for the wonderful nature landscapes what is there and the chance to see polar lights.  Also, is a quiet country and its people have a good life. The only problem is the ultra-cold weather, bc I´m so sentitive to cold  D:

The other is Japan. I think that´s a country super interesting, with a history, landscapes, technology, art and many topics magnetics to me and that I need to meet in person.
One of my reasons to travel to Japan is because I love read manga and watch anime. So, would be amazing visit it and recognize the most places or references that -due to fiction- has given me a lot of great moments and made me fell in love. Also, would be nice meet Akihabara and to make me  a completly otaku haha.
I´d love to walking throug Harajuku, the famous place of street fashion and art of Shibuya.
Finally, it would be beatiful to travel in spring for the tradition of ¨hanami¨, when sakura trees blossom and the people contemplate it. I imagine me, puting a blanket on the grass and enjoying the day, while I watching how the whole place is coloring by pink tones flowers.

The biggest difficult to travel to both countries is the language. Would be very cool meet people from there so ... if I want to have a good experience, I need to learn well english or icelandic / japanes  to not stray me in the country and could socialize with others.

5 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Iceland is a beautiful country and unlike you I love the cold hahaha, so I would not have much trouble adapting. As for your reason for traveling to Japan, it seems great to me, who would not like to know places from their favorite mangas and animes. uwu

  3. Wow, I didn't know that to visit Iceland you had to learn "Icelandic", I was surprised to learn that there is a language specific to that country.

  4. Hi Paula! I didn't know about the polar lights in Iceland, they look really amazing, even magic. You made me want to visit this country!

  5. I love Iceland culture , it's fantastic, Bjork was born there <3
