domingo, 26 de julio de 2020

free topic

Hi! today I will tell you about an animals that I like so much.
But first, I would like to share you something,  when I was a child, I really enjoyed see the birds and I wished with all my energies become one of them, flying in flocks near by the clouds, feeling the breeze … I won´t lie you, I still think that haha.

Well, I think that all of birds are really cool. But, the ones that catch my attention in the last time are two: Swallows and Blackbirds. At the moment, are my favorite.

On the  one hand, I like swallows, because their colors are really pretty and they fly very fast. They also are small, migratory and community birds. they usually fly long, looking for the heat, that's why they say they welcome spring
On the other hand, I love blackbirs, for their colors too, and singing. They are urban birds, surely you have seen them. The last year, I really enjoyed walking when it was spring, because I could see a lot of blackbirds everywhere, those moments made me very happy.

Now, I can only see the birds from my window, I really miss walking and listening to birdsong or seeing flocks cross the sky): but son it could.

That´s all, I hope that u will fine!!

domingo, 12 de julio de 2020

Postgraduate studies

Hi! I will to tell you about my future plans in relation with postgraduate studies. This topic its double difficult to me haha. As I said in the last post, thinking about my academic future is something that I try to avoid as I can, I prefeer focus at the present u.u

On the one hand, once I finished my career (anthropology) I would like to do and study many things that aren't atacched with academia necessarily.

On the other hand, I have been thinking about the sociolinguistic area, in relation with that, I would like to travel to Brazil, because I think that´s a place with a culture that calls me a lot (and I like so much their languaje, I really want to learn portuguese). Then, I would like to live there, for a considerable time, and to continue anthropological studies in relation with linguistic area and do investigation, etnography there.

Even, I´ve thought in study art, like history of art or visual arts. Those were that I want to study before decided me for anthropology (that was a good decision). But, study art is still on my mind. I hope that in the future I should realice it , because really passionate me. However, I also can be self-educated and avoid academy haha and realice my dreams for myself if I propose to do it.

domingo, 5 de julio de 2020

My future job

Hi! To be honest, I try not to think too much about the future. So thinking about future job is a bit tricky, but I have some ideas.

I study antropology, I´m in my second year and soon I have to choose a mention, the physical and social anthropology call me, but the last one wins haha I am very interested in social issues and learning about the diversity of cultures.

The only thing that is clear to me, is that I want to work outdoor xD, I want to travel to many places, inside and outside of Chile, to get to know, share, understand and help (in the way I can do) as many communities as posible.

I think I would very much like to work in the visibility of indigenous communities, supporting them so that the rest respect their identity, life and culture. To investigate, i'm very interested in some topics, such as education, the relationship with death, childhood and others.

As an anthropologist, I can work in many areas that catch my attention and scatter it at the same time. But I don't worry so much, I still have a long way to go as a student.

In respect with salary, until now I haven't seriously thought about it; as a social scientist the salary isn't very good, but I would be fine if it were enough to live well, with stability.